Monday 29 August 2016

Keto - The Satiety Serenity

Hunger Be Gone?

Well not entirely I hope as I really do enjoy the act of eating! I have mentioned in recent posts that I have been experiencing little to  no effects of feeling hunger since going Keto just over 3 weeks ago. This past Sunday I experienced something extremely rare for me. I skipped lunch!  This might not sound like a big deal because people have busy lives and seem to do this frequently. I just don't skip meals period! Sunday mornings are heavy training days for me and by the time I get home from the gym  I am ready to refuel. Sunday when I got home I wasn't feeling that need to refuel so I decided to do some running around town and by the time I was finished it was close to diner time. I do not advocate skipping  meals and always advise against it and chastise my clients when they tell me that they are skipping meals in an attempt to lose weight. In order to make up for the missed lunch I will had some extra Keto friendly snacks later in the day  in order to keep my calories and macros up for the day.

Some Keto gurus  and other nutritionists do advise to not schedule meals and only eat when your body notifies you that you are hungry and I am not disagreeing with this. For myself I am a "planner" type of person and like to make sure I am getting enough nutrients and am hitting my macros on regular daily basis.
Remember do what feels right and works best for you. For a proper nutrition plan to be effective it needs to work around you and your lifestyle. If you try to force in a nutrition plan and schedule that is contrary to your lifestyle it will be too difficult and unrealistic to maintain and likely  to result in failure in the long term.

My point for even mentioning this, is  that this lack of hunger can be normal for some people when doing Keto as the hunger you are used to is caused by a need for glucose --- low blood sugar. 
Blood sugar is strictly regulated on a ketogenic diet, so you just simply do not experience hunger in the same way. As well "fats" calories are known to be more satiating for some people. You may have noticed I said "some" people proteins, fats and carbs seem to have a different satiety effect on different people.

Take Away Message

My take away message is this. Be sure to get enough calories and macros to support your daily needs and daily activity level. Choose a plan that fits you!

1 comment:

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