Saturday 30 July 2016

A few Things before I get started going all Keto! – Lets Plan this out!

Okay so as stated in previous posts I am going keto in order to take on a personal experiment pertaining to how Keto will work for me and my goals. One of these goals will be to reduce body fat.
First I need to know a few things in order to set some benchmarks and track my progress. Let’s have a look.

1   What is my current body fat percentage? Accurately measuring body fat is quite difficult unless you have access to a dexa scan machine or someone who really has a lot of experience manually taking body fat measurements with calipers. I don’t have access to a dexa scan machine but I do have access to someone who is very experienced and can use calipers to measure my body fat. I will also use an electronic hand held device that isn’t quite as accurate but will still provide me with some good indicators of progress or lack thereof. I will measure my body fat just before I start on the Keto.

2   Next I need to know my starting  body weight which is 205 lbs

3   Then I need to calculate my TDEE or Total Daily Energy Expenditure.
I will use an online calculator for this which gathers some info such as my gender, age, height, weight, activity level, exercise regime.

The TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) is the amount of calories that your body will burn in a 24-hour period. It factors in your sleep, work, exercise, and normal daily activity.

I have tried a few different TDEE calculators and I get different results from each due to the fact they use different formulas etc. I am going to base my TDEE on the low side of 2800 Calories per day. This simply means that in order to maintain my current weight and not gain or lose weight I would need to continue eating 2800 calories per day.

4    Now that I have my TDEE I need to decide on how much of a calorie deficit I am willing to run in order to lose the body fat. Typically in order to lose weight the calorie deficit range is 300 to 500 calories below your TDEE. I am going to go middle of the range and am choosing to go with a 400 calorie deficit.

5.       So now I simply take my TDEE of 2800 and subtract 400 and viola my daily calorie intake goal is 2400!

The next step is to create a Keto meal plan based on the 2400 calories– stay tuned for this.

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